Proud mum
'Under mothers wing' So lovely to see these baby chicks being cared for by their mother. ...
'Under mothers wing' So lovely to see these baby chicks being cared for by their mother. ...
Our carrots have done well. In fact, some of them are even bigger than this. I think these are All Seasons variety. Good non-compacted soil, appropriate thinning out of the seedlings after germination (after some initial growing of course - that’s where baby carrots come...
Here we have Josh preparing banana circles with Martin one of our volunteers in an area we just cleared of grass, technically bananas are a herb but a delicious one....
Zavere Weeks milking the new mum, her calf can be seen in the background. Zavere carried up the new born so she wasn't left alone. If we don't start taking all the milk her capacity will drop, done worry the mums hold back enough to...
Wing clipping and marking of top breeders, We did let the person out of the coop when we were finished. Great job Sara Sevinc showing the new guy whats up....
The crew warming up their hands after pulling out cold wet snow peas. The microbial activity produces heat just like in a compost. Grass is around 1:30 carbon to nitrogen ratio which is pretty spot on....
Having a chat about compost, normal main crop morning. Working out the brain and the muscles. ...
Good to see our staff getting in there with our apprentices....
Nadia jumping in with the crew to help out, she is normally behind the camera taking the shots. ...